Tag Archives | Water
Environment, Health, Water
Agriculture and natural resources, Capacity development, Environment, Governance and public sector management, Health, Water
Environment, Water
Health, Water
Maximizing the value of water to end water scarcity in Asia

Water scarcity is a global issue that affects 40% of the world’s population
Do the socioeconomic spillovers from sewage treatment plants in developing countries justify heavy investment in them?

Decent sanitation for all is crucial for rapidly urbanizing developing countries, such as India. As large volumes of wastewater in developing countries remain untreated, the investments in treatment facilities have not kept pace with the steady increases in population and urbanization and the resulting increases in wastewater volumes.
Composite Water Management Index: A pathway to solve the water crisis in India

The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) and, more importantly, the citizens of India have acknowledged that the country is undergoing the “worst water crisis” in its history—and they are making commendable efforts to address it. They have proposed a comprehensive index to create awareness and to enable effective water management for the Indian states. In June 2018, NITI Aayog, the premier think tank for the Government of India, proposed the Composite Water Management Index, a tool to assess and improve the efficiency of water resource management.
What can countries in Asia learn from the Republic of Korea and Malaysia about sanitation and its economic impacts?

In 2014, when I first moved to the Republic of Korea from India, I was impressed and awestruck by the country’s infrastructure and ease of mobility. Being an architect, the aspect I found most endearing of the city-wide master planning was the access and provision of toilets almost everywhere, be it at metro train stations, bus terminals, shopping plazas, parks, or even on mountain hikes. The convenience of having clean and hygienic toilets in public places was truly a gift for me during my stay there for a few years.

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