Tag Archives | transport infrastructure
Environment, Transport

Navigating Linear Transport Infrastructure Through Conservation Landscapes

Cover - Navigating Linear Transport Infrastructure Through Conservation Landscapes
Transport infrastructure such as roads and railways facilitates connectivity and growth but also fragments habitats, disrupts wildlife movement, and threatens biodiversity.

Governance and public sector management, Transport

Thinking beyond the suitability of high-speed railway in India

Thinking beyond the suitability of high-speed railway in India
In India, the project to build the country’s first 500-kilometer high-speed railway (HSR) from Mumbai to Ahmedabad is underway. For comparison, all top 10 economies in the world except the United States have constructed several HSR lines in the past 30 years. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) alone has built nearly 28,000 kilometers of HSR in the past 20 years. Nevertheless, opinion makers in India are expressing contradicting views, questioning whether it is suitable for the country to develop expensive infrastructure such as HSR.