Tag Archives | pandemic
Governance and public sector management, Urban development
Economics, Health, Regional cooperation and integration
Economics, Governance and public sector management, Health, Social development and protection
Economics, Environment, Health, Social development and protection
Economics, Health, Social development and protection
Rethinking cities for resilience and growth in the post-COVID-19 world

In an urban environment, resilience helps to maintain continuity amid shocks and stresses while progressing toward sustainability.
Toward an ASEAN COVID-19 travel balloon

While financial markets have responded strongly to the emergency-use authorization of various coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccines in several countries, the economic impacts will take much longer to materialize. One reason for this is that vaccinating 60% or more of populations to achieve herd immunity will take time. Reaching herd immunity is critical given the possibility that those vaccinated may still be infectious, despite being immune to the disease.
Toward a robust economic recovery from COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has been a truly global shock to public health, causing one of the most severe global economic downturns since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Against this context, the 2020 ADBI Annual Conference brought together leading academics, think tank researchers, and policy makers to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 and its policy implications, with a focus on Asia and the Pacific.
ESG investment growth amid the COVID-19 crisis

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment is critical for achieving inclusive growth in Asia and can play a critical role in reducing the income inequality caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Achieving fiscal sustainability in the face of demographic change

Asia is advancing toward becoming a gray society, though some countries are in the early stages and some are more advanced. The longevity revolution is being demonstrated through longer life expectancies due to medical innovation and improvements in medical care, as well as people having healthier lifestyles. Meanwhile, a continuously decreasing trend in fertility rates is being witnessed across the region. These two factors combined create the demographic transition of population aging. This demographic transition is not new, and its socioeconomic impacts have spread widely in many economies in Asia and the Pacific.

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