Tag Archives | COVID-19
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Economics, Governance and public sector management
Economics, Environment, Health, Social development and protection
Economics, Environment, Finance sector development, Health
Economics, Health, Social development and protection
Economics, Health
Diversification of solar PV suppliers for sustainable energy during the COVID-19 crisis

Experts are increasingly acknowledging the vulnerability of the global solar photovoltaic (PV) value chain due to the concentration of manufacturing capacity in only a few countries, such as the People’s Republic of China (PRC) (Zhai 2020). In Japan, although solar power comprised only 7% of the country’s total power generation in 2018, it contributed to one-third of power from renewable sources. Given this high share of solar power in renewable energy sources, disruption in the availability of solar PV may have adverse consequences on the sustainability of renewable energy power generation.
The impacts of COVID-19 on financial stability and regional financial safety nets in ASEAN

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is making strong efforts to maintain financial stability amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, mostly through national financial emergency measures for each member state. As a region, ASEAN has not yet formed a regional financial safety net to deal with a crisis like COVID-19.
Enhancing agriculture potential in developing countries during the COVID-19 crisis

Much of the displaced labor force from urban centers is moving back to rural homes due to closures from restrictions put in place to combat the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). It is important that this displaced labor force is put in a working environment and kept engaged, specifically in the agricultural sector, so that such the young and energetic in the workforce are not left out. A disgruntled labor force without financial support might turn to unwanted or illegal activities.
Rare diseases in Asia and the Pacific must be tackled too

Unlike the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), few people will have heard of the rare disease Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). It is an inherited genetic condition that affects the skin and can be fatal during infancy or early childhood for those suffering from its most severe forms. The condition causes the skin, both outside as well as inside the body, to blister and tear easily. Since the skin is unable to withstand normal wear and tear, it gets repeatedly wounded and the cells can become cancerous.
Empowering Thai SMEs to join global value chains: Policy priorities under COVID-19

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are significant contributors to economic activity and employment worldwide, and Thailand is no exception. In Thailand, SMEs represent the vast majority of firms and employ the bulk of the domestic workforce. According to the Office of SMEs Promotion (OSMEP 2019), in 2018, approximately 3 million companies were classed as SMEs in the country, comprising 99.8% of all companies. SMEs also accounted for 14 million jobs, or 86% of total employment.
Challenging times for central banks: Low inflation, monetary policy, and digital currency

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has transformed the global monetary policy landscape. The sharp global economic slowdown caused by the spread of the virus and the various countermeasures embarked on by governments under states of emergency (such as quarantines, policies to restrict mobility, school closures, and restrictions and limitations on business operations) prompted many central banks to implement substantial monetary easing from March 2020 along with massive fiscal stimulus measures. As a result of these measures, a growing number of central banks have faced the effective (or zero) lower bound or approached it in their policy rates.
ESG investment growth amid the COVID-19 crisis

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment is critical for achieving inclusive growth in Asia and can play a critical role in reducing the income inequality caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
COVID-19 highlights the need to strengthen environmental risk management and scale-up sustainable finance and investment across Asia

Like the rest of the world, Asia has been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. While some countries have been able to contain the spread of the virus relatively well, the disruption of supply chains, sharp decline in global demand, and the large-scale withdrawal of capital have led to severe economic contractions across the region.
Achieving fiscal sustainability in the face of demographic change

Asia is advancing toward becoming a gray society, though some countries are in the early stages and some are more advanced. The longevity revolution is being demonstrated through longer life expectancies due to medical innovation and improvements in medical care, as well as people having healthier lifestyles. Meanwhile, a continuously decreasing trend in fertility rates is being witnessed across the region. These two factors combined create the demographic transition of population aging. This demographic transition is not new, and its socioeconomic impacts have spread widely in many economies in Asia and the Pacific.
Economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and oil price collapse

The recent collapse in oil prices in the global market was caused by a combination of supply and demand issues as well as uncertainty about the future, and has resulted in a crash in financial markets. But what are the reasons behind this collapse, and what impacts will it have on oil-exporting and oil-importing economies?

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