Guidelines for Authors

Asia Pathways is the blog of the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI). It encourages short original contributions on economic and development issues in the Asia and Pacific region. Asia Pathways aims to stimulate debate. Posts should present a point of view; they should not be purely descriptive. Policy recommendations are particularly encouraged.


Contributions should be strictly 600–800 words in length. Figures and tables should be avoided as they can break the flow of the article, but may be included sparingly if absolutely necessary.

Authors are asked to bear in mind the blog’s commitment to publishing stimulating new thinking that will eventually influence policy; contributions that simply summarize research are unlikely to be suitable. As Asia Pathways aims to popularise economic and development issues, articles should avoid jargon.

ADBI reserves the right to edit contributions for length and clarity. Authors are requested to follow the ADB Handbook of Style and Usage:


Links to reputable websites and research should be added where appropriate within the article, instead of a list of references. Endnotes and footnotes should not be used.
[Note, these guidelines apply to new submissions. Previously accepted articles may not adhere to these revised guidelines.]

Approval process

All posts will be rigorously reviewed after submission and ADBI reserves the right to reject contributions or to require substantial revision before publication.

Author biographies

Authors are requested to submit a brief biography (one sentence per author stating the author’s position and affiliation only) and a photo (head and shoulders) to accompany their contribution.


Asia Pathways seeks to encourage public discourse and will be actively soliciting comments from readers of the blog. Authors are encouraged to respond to comments on their articles to make for a dynamic and lively discussion.

Creative Commons License

Posts and comments on Asia Pathways are licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.