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Energy, Governance and public sector management

Reimagining South Asia’s electricity system amid growing energy market volatility

Regional collaboration can help to alleviate South Asia’s energy security challenges, which have been compounded by rising oil and gas prices, inflation, prospective food deprivation, and food protectionism.

Industry and trade, Transport

Rail routes offer boost to India–Bangladesh cross-border trade

The limited operation of land ports during the pandemic has increased demand for the transport of goods through railways.

Education, Social development and protection

Preparing Southeast Asia’s youth to enter the digital economy

Despite more jobs being created in the digital economy, Southeast Asian youth face a lack of preparedness coupled with a drop in employment due to the pandemic.

Climate change, Environment, Poverty, Social development and protection

Protecting victims of climate-induced migration and displacement in South Asia

South Asia is home to a quarter of the world’s population and is extremely susceptible to climate change-induced displacement and migration.

Economics, Finance sector development

Unconventional monetary policy in Southeast Asia eased market turmoil during COVID-19

Quantitative easing measures in Southeast Asia helped to alleviate pressure on long-term bond yields and support stability in asset markets.

Health, Water

How to meet Asia’s post-COVID-19 water and sanitation investment needs

Governments in developing Asia should adopt practical interventions to maximize the effectiveness of new and existing sources of funding for water and sanitation.

Climate change, Governance and public sector management

Fixing the agriculture–climate change maladaptation information gap

Further research is needed on the risks associated with adaptation measures that can increase current or future vulnerability to climate change.

Governance and public sector management, Information and Communications Technology

Digital governance can unlock connectivity potential and transformation

Digital governance incorporates new norms, rules, and processes to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in government functions for all stakeholders.

Economics, Finance sector development

Plunging yen hit by widening interest rate differentials and rising commodity prices

The yen’s safe-haven status has been called into question after sharp depreciations amid rising energy prices and widening global interest rate differentials relative to Japan.

Education, Governance and public sector management, Social development and protection

Resilient education systems critical for learning continuity during crises

Without specific efforts to recover learning, prolonged education disruptions can lead to learning losses and disparities that affect students of all income levels.