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Energy, Governance and public sector management

How Can Governments Support Electricity Distribution to Achieve Net Zero in Asia?

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Japan and Indonesia point to positive aspects of government intervention in the electricity market instead of a completely free market.

Governance and public sector management

Evaluating G7 Commitments on Climate Change, Health, Well-Being, and Agriculture

Evaluating G7 Commitments on Climate Change, Health, Well-being, and Agriculture
Accountability and transparency are fundamental principles of the G7.

Governance and public sector management, Regional cooperation and integration

Will the G7 Apulia Summit Follow Think Tanks to Rearticulate Multilateralism?

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Think tanks have demonstrated the benefits of greater cooperation.

Environment, Governance and public sector management

Tools and principles for creating fiscal space for climate adaptation

Tools and principles for creating fiscal space for climate adaptation
While the climate emergency continues to present many uncertainties, one certainty is that adaptation to climate change is and will continue to be necessary.

Governance and public sector management, Urban development

Rethinking cities for resilience and growth in the post-COVID-19 world

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In an urban environment, resilience helps to maintain continuity amid shocks and stresses while progressing toward sustainability.

Climate change, Governance and public sector management

Uniting the G7 and G20 to tackle climate change

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The G7 and G20 recognize the paramount importance of innovation in steering economies toward a more sustainable future.

Environment, Governance and public sector management

Classifying garbage for improving well-being in rural People’s Republic of China

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The mismanagement of domestic waste in rural areas places stress on the environment and compromises people's quality of life.

Finance sector development, Governance and public sector management

Bank of Japan’s unconventional monetary easing brings global recognition as a bold, innovative practitioner

Over the last decade, the Bank of Japan has become known as a bold practitioner of monetary easing.

Governance and public sector management, Private sector development, Transport

Asian lessons for reviving infrastructure investment as a driver of resilient development

In the post-pandemic era, the need for a timely rebound in infrastructure development is more urgent than ever.

Governance and public sector management, Regional cooperation and integration

How T20 and partners can give rise to impactful solutions to global challenges

Think20 has become a mechanism for providing research-based policy recommendations to address shifting global challenges.