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Economics, Environment, Finance sector development, Governance and public sector management

Central banks lead the way on green monetary policy

Central banks are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of considering climate change risks, such as physical and transition risks, and some have already launched monetary policy initiatives within the mandate of price stability.

Economics, Environment, Information and Communications Technology, Infrastructure, Social development and protection, Urban development

Levelling up innovation in Asia

Astana, Kazakhstan
Innovation is playing a vital role in the economic, social, and environmental progress of Asia and the Pacific and has been an important factor in the region's rapid and successful transformation. However, many countries in the region lag behind, innovating at a fraction of the pace as countries in similar or even lower income groups.

Climate change, Environment, Social development and protection

Circularity of plastics: From managing waste to generating less waste

With urbanization and the growing global population, much focus has been placed on finding solutions for improving solid waste management as a way to curb the growing amounts of waste being generated. However, governments should instead look at the root cause of the issue and shift toward exploring ways to generate less waste.

Energy, Environment, Governance and public sector management, Transport

The next steps for meeting nationally determined contributions after COP26

EV charging
Reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHG) must be achieved in the coming decades to avoid catastrophic global temperature rises. Limiting global warming to within 1.5°C will require rapid, far-reaching, and unprecedented changes in all sectors. GHG emissions in Asia and the Pacific now account for over 50% of the world’s total.

Climate change, Economics, Environment

After COP26, developing Asia’s challenge is meeting ambitious climate commitments

Together for our planet
Developing Asian countries, such as Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, and Viet Nam, have announced their net-zero carbon emission targets by mid-century at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, and financing climate change mitigation has been at the forefront of discussions for making ambitious climate action a reality.

Economics, Environment, Health, Industry and trade, Social development and protection, Uncategorized

COVID-19’s impact in Asia shapes blueprint for sustainable economic recovery

Illustration of man walking on a tightrope
The economic impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Asia highlights the importance of entrenching longer-term sustainability and economic resilience into the recovery process. The macroeconomic effects of the pandemic, as well as the impact on firms and households in Asia, are featured in a new ADBI edited book, COVID-19 Impacts and Policy Options: An Asian Perspective.

Agriculture and natural resources, Climate change, Environment

Unraveling the linkages between agriculture and climate change

Unraveling the linkages between agriculture and climate change
The connection between climate change and agriculture (both crops and livestock) is complex. On the one hand, agriculture is adversely affected by climate change (Aryal et al. 2020a; Lobell et al. 2011), but on the other hand, it is also one of the major factors exacerbating climate change (Smith et al. 2008; Aryal et al. 2020b). Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) could play a crucial role in reducing GHG emissions and mitigating the adverse effects of climate change.

Climate change, Economics, Environment, Governance and public sector management

Unfolding a holistic approach to disaster risk reduction

Unfolding a holistic approach to disaster risk reduction
This year marked the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, of which economic losses are estimated at $221 billion (EM-DAT), making it the most costly natural disaster recorded since 1900. The earthquake itself did not cause significant damage or casualties, but the subsequent 5–20 meter tsunami hit northern coastal areas, washing away townships and destroying the cooling system at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. To date, the recovery process is still ongoing to restore industries and economic activities to their pre-disaster levels.

Climate change, Environment, Water

Climate change impacts in Asia are all essentially a water story

Climate change impacts in Asia are all essentially a water story
Global climate change caused by human activities will continue to be catastrophic for humanity. In particular, climate change is having serious impacts on the world’s water systems (United Nations 2020), and changes in these systems can have an enormous impact on people’s lives. This is because water plays a critical role in the very existence of all forms of life on earth as the foundation of human well-being and prosperity (Asian Development Bank 2020) and a source of life and livelihoods.

Climate change, Environment, Governance and public sector management

Repurposing food waste: A circular economy approach for the food system

Repurposing food waste: A circular economy approach for the food system
As the population in Asia continues to grow, so too will consumption trends. This population growth will continue to have significant impacts on the way goods are manufactured and consumed, as the global “take, make, and dispose” lifestyle has already put enormous stress on raw materials and energy resources.