Yoshihiro Watanabe

About Yoshihiro Watanabe

Yoshihiro Watanabe has been managing director of the Institute for International Monetary Affairs, a research institute, since June 2008. He has served as Japan’s member of the APEC Business Advisory Council since 2007. He concurrently serves as chairman for the Standing Committee of Japan–India Business Co-operation Committee at the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Author Archive | Yoshihiro Watanabe
Finance sector development

Internationalization of emerging market currencies: A way forward

During the 2008 financial crisis, Asia experienced exchange rate volatility and liquidity shortages of the key currency—the US dollar—that severely affected trade within the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) region. The dollar is crucial to maintaining financial market stability at an appropriate liquidity level. While the dollar is expected to remain the key currency in the foreseeable future, the crisis has led to a rethinking of the global economy’s over-reliance on the dollar and its capital and financial markets, and the need to enhance the role of emerging currencies and their markets.

While it will take time for emerging market currencies to become significant reserve currencies, their growing importance in the settlement of cross-border trade and investment can no longer be ignored. Read more.