Liesl Riddle

About Liesl Riddle

Liesl Riddle is the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and is an Associate Professor of International Business and International Affairs at The George Washington University. She is the co-director of the George Washington University School of Business OntheBoard program, a fellowship program designed to promote women on corporate boards.
Author Archive | Liesl Riddle

Women helping women: key to economic growth in Asia

Community e-Center
In the next 50 years, most economic growth worldwide will take place outside the G7 countries. But that’s only half the story. Who are the people who will be the driving force for this growth? Many will be women. But too seldom conversations about economic growth turn a blind eye to gender issues, despite the fact that women comprise more than half of the global economy, 40% of the global workforce (Commonwealth Workforce Council), and $20+ trillion in financial spending worldwide (International Finance Corporation 2011). Women have a multiplier effect as consumers, building markets as they make the majority of purchase decisions in households. The question is not whether women will contribute to the future global economy but by how much – and where.