Derek Hondo

About Derek Hondo

Derek Hondo is a capacity building and training coordinator at ADBI.
Author Archive | Derek Hondo
Accelerating Progress in Gender Equality, Gender, Social development and protection

Investing in Childcare a Win for Women and the Economy

blog_Investing in Childcare a Win for Women and the Economy
Learn how investing in early childhood care is a win-win for growth and gender equality.

Climate change, Environment

Natural Capital: Valuing Nature to Protect and Restore Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Development

Natural Capital- Valuing Nature to Protect and Restore Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Development
Ecosystems are vital components of natural capital, encompassing soil, geology, air, water, minerals, and all living organisms.

Climate change, Finance sector development

How Can Policy Makers Help Strengthen Corporate Climate Disclosure to Scale Up Private Climate Finance?

How Can Policy Makers Help Strengthen Corporate Climate Disclosure to Scale Up Private Climate Finance_
Investors need better information on where to direct their investments to have the biggest impact on climate goals.

Climate change, Environment, Health

COP28 offers outlook for building climate-resilient health systems

COP28 offers outlook for building climate-resilient health systems
The impacts of climate change on human health are wide-ranging.

Gender, Social development and protection

Ending discrimination and building SOGIESC-inclusive societies

People with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions, and sex characteristics continue to experience stigma and discrimination, stemming from deeply rooted cultural and societal norms and religious views.

Governance and public sector management, Social development and protection

Redesigning social protection programs beyond the COVID-19 pandemic

Redesigning social protection programs beyond the COVID-19 pandemic
Governments must redesign social protection programs, making them more resilient and inclusive so that no one is left behind when the next crisis hits.

Climate change, Environment, Social development and protection

Circularity of plastics: From managing waste to generating less waste

With urbanization and the growing global population, much focus has been placed on finding solutions for improving solid waste management as a way to curb the growing amounts of waste being generated. However, governments should instead look at the root cause of the issue and shift toward exploring ways to generate less waste.

Climate change, Environment, Governance and public sector management

Repurposing food waste: A circular economy approach for the food system

Repurposing food waste: A circular economy approach for the food system
As the population in Asia continues to grow, so too will consumption trends. This population growth will continue to have significant impacts on the way goods are manufactured and consumed, as the global “take, make, and dispose” lifestyle has already put enormous stress on raw materials and energy resources.